Long Lens Adapter - Update


The adapter from my previous post wasn’t stiff enough to support the weight of a camera without vibrating. That’s especially problematic considering that the main application is for lenses with a long focal length - the longer the focal length, the more apparent the effect is.

This update is much stiffer than the original though, thanks to the higher sides and the web added to the top. It’s also much more colorful.


The two pieces are bonded with adhesive this time (the first iteration was screwed together). This allowed me to greatly reduce the complexity of the design and save a bit of time putting it together. There is a fair bit of geometric complexity around the top of the lower half – I’m not sure this is necessary, but I wanted to give the epoxy something to hold on to, so it’s not just loaded in shear.


 I also added a little sleeve and a detent for capturing the hex wrench while not in use. The fit on the sleeve was a little tight as printed, but cutting out a slot allowed just enough deflection that the hex wrench slides in snugly but easily.


You can find the latest revision of the model here.